Jaga Kesehatan Tubuh Dengan Kasur Berkualitas

Stay Healthy With Quality Mattress

September 20, 2018

What kind of quality should a mattress have to maintain the body health? Mimpi, a new company that focuses on sleep quality, launched its product, Mimpi Mattress, that uses foam to achieve the desired level of comfort while maintaining spine health.

Frank De Witte, founder, and CEO of Mimpi stated the reason for avoiding coil technology is, when the spring loosens, this spring mattress will effect badly on the spine and will cause health problems in the future. Mimpi Mattress is only available to its market in Indonesia, and to reach the people of Indonesia, De Witte has carried out deep learning and research, especially in treating lifestyle.

Apparently, Indonesians prefer to shop online because it’s easy and simple. This encourages Mimpi who chose to sell its products online through the official website www.mimpi.co.id. However, customers do not need to worry about product guarantees because Mimpi gives a free trial period of 100 nights. If the customer feels that it is not suitable for the product, it may be returned. Coupled with a 10-year warranty.


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