Semangka Bantu Cegah Flu Saat Musim Dingin

Watermelon Helps Prevent Flu

December 20, 2018

Entering the end of the year, the weather is often found to be cooler than usual. It’s always raining at the end of the year. Cold weather certainly often makes a person get the flu and after that their sleep is sometimes disturbed because the nose becomes blocked due to difficulty breathing.

Did you know that watermelon can function to prevent the onset of flu attacks? Watermelon contains vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc in it. Vitamins and magnesium and zinc can protect your body and strengthen the immune system when the weather gets cold.

You can consume watermelon by blending it and making juice out of it. Watermelon juice recipes are actually very easy. If you need some variation in your juice, you can add some lemon juice and mint to make it fresh and tastes more delicious.


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