Warna Kamar Untuk Tidur

Room Color For Sleep

April 26, 2019

Although color doesn’t directly “command” the brain to sleep, it will encourage drowsiness and can be an idea to redecorate your bedroom.

According to the Tuck website, colors that are too bright or bold will stimulate the brain and create a sense of alertness, not relaxation. For bedrooms, use lighter colors, pastels, or muted shades color. Neutral colors that are earth-based or skin-based are soothing and helps with positive energy (according to Feng Shui).



The color blue channels calmness to the brain through our eyes. Special receptors in the eye’s retina called ganglion cells are most sensitive to blue.

According to the article from the Sleep website, ganglion cells are responsible for conveying information to parts of the brain that control the body’s 24-hour rhythm, which in turn affects everything from performance to what we feel physically during the day. Blue is associated with a feeling of calm that, when taken by the ganglion cells, is passed on to the brain, helps reduce blood pressure and heart rate, all of which help us to get a good night’s sleep.

Other colors

Other choices of color for the bedroom besides blue are gray, silver, and neutral. These cool colors help reduce blood pressure and heart rate. If you want to use warmer color, pale yellow is also recommended. According to the Sleep Academy website, the color green is also recommended for the bedroom because it creates a quiet environment that helps relaxation and encourages sleepiness. While orange does not only channel warmth, it also helps create a stable and reassuring atmosphere and can even help with digestion.


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